A downloadable tool

Gee Bill, I sure love the 'Coffin Makers' card from Leder Games'
'Root: A game of woodland Might and Right', but I hate spending literal
human lifetimes re-sizing the card so I can heap the nameless dead upon it
like some kind of 'Golden Books' take on 20th century atrocities!

Darn right, Jim! Not to mention how it forces you to count to three,
which I can't do anymore after I got brain damage from watching all those
crappy Youtube reaction videos.


Introducing the Koffin Keeper! A handy utility tool for 'Root: A game of woodland Might and Right.'
The Koffin Keeper helps you manage the effects of the "Coffin Makers" card
by holding your deceased meeples in one convenient location, and letting you
know how many points they'll be worth as an offering to your dark, sadistic gods!
When you're done, the Koffin Keeper closes up into a discreet package for
gallows humour on the go! Order yours today!

From the "games" menu, click the three-dots icon on this mod, and select "Additive load".
The object has both a "Closed" and "Open" state, which can be toggled by mousing over the Coffin Keeper and pressing 1 or 2.
No longer needs to be locked, but you should lock it anyway!

This project was derived from Mr McChew's "Root + All Expansions" mod at:
Coffin model was modified from Desca's "Coffin open and closed" at:
You can use my project outside of Root, but I don't know why you would.

Root and the Underworld expansion were created by Leder Games. Support the official release:



2373868841.json 19 kB
2373868841.png 152 kB

Install instructions

1. This is for Tabletop simulator, so you'll need to buy and install that.
2. While you could download the files from itch and install them to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Mods\Workshop\ , it would be far easier just to subscribe to the mod's workshop page:

(Browser link) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2373868841

(Open via steam) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2373868841

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